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Solar energy is one of the many renewable energy sources that give an enormous promise to insure mankind with a secured life. Enough sunlight reaches the earth in one hour to power the world for an entire year. Compared to conventional energy sources such as coal, gas, oil and nuclear - reserves of which are finite - clean energies are just as available as the sun from which they originate and adapt to natural cycles, hence their name “renewables”. This makes them an essential element in a sustainable energy system that allows development today without risking that of future generations.

Solar power systems derive clean, pure energy from the sun. Installing solar panels on your home helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces our collective dependence on fossil fuel.

No longer is it necessary to pay huge fees for the installation of electric utility poles and cabling from the nearest main grid access point. A solar electric system is potentially less expensive and can provide power for upwards of three decades if properly maintained.

Along with this there are many other benefits of solar energy.

  1. Solar Power Causes Less Electricity Loss.
  2. Solar Power Is a Free Source of Energy.
  3. Save on electricity bills
  4. Increase property value
  5. Reduce your carbon footprint
  6. Low Maintenance Costs
  7. Extends Roof Lifespan
  8. Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability
  9. Protect the environment
  10. Can be Installed Everywhere



Solar energy is a renewable or ‘green’ energy powered entirely by the sun. But how do solar PV panels turn sunlight into electricity?

  1. Solar PV panels capture sunlight, causing electrons in the panel’s silicon cells to release energy that becomes direct current (DC) electricity.
  2. An inverter converts the DC into alternating current (AC) electricity, making it useable for homes and businesses.
  3. Excess electricity can be stored in a battery or fed back into the power grid.  
  4. Additional electricity can be pulled from the grid if you need more power than your solar panels can generate.




Monocrystalline panels are the oldest most developed type of Solar panels. As the name suggests, Monocrystalline Solar Panels are made from single (Mono) crystal (crystalline) silicon solar cells. To make these solar cells, pure silicon is formed into bars and cut into wafers. During this process, the cell edges are cut off, smoothen, and rounded, to help the solar cells produce even more electricity. Although quite wasteful and time consuming, this gives the monocrystalline cells a recognizable appearance.

Manufactured from the highest purity of silicon, Monocrystalline Solar panels are a premium panel. Although Monocrystalline cells are more expensive, they tend to last longer, and have higher efficiencies. As the cells are composed of a single crystal, they have a higher power output too. In addition, Monocrystalline cells appear black and uniform in finish. Making them the prime choice for anyone looking for a modern black solar panel.

Examples of brands which manufacturer this type of solar panel include JA Solar, Trina Solar, Longi Solar and QCELL.


Also referred to as “multi-crystalline” panels, Polycrystalline are often considered the mid-range panel. Although less efficient, Polycrystalline Solar panels are the more affordable option.

Just like monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline cells are made from silicon. However, as the name suggests, polycrystalline cells are made from many (Poly) fragments of silicon crystal melted together. For this reason, Polycrystalline solar panels have a lower efficiency and short lifespan. Meaning they don’t generate as much electricity from the sun compared to Monocrystalline panels for as long either. This is because there is less freedom for the electrons to move, as there are many crystals in each cell.

Polycrystalline panels are made by melting raw silicon together and pouring it into a square mold to make wafers. Unlike their Monocrystalline rivals, polycrystalline cells do not require each of the four sides to be cut. This is better for the environment as it results in less waste. Overall, the process is faster and cheaper than manufacturing monocrystalline panels. These wafers are then assembled together to form a polycrystalline panel.

Polycrystalline cells can be identified by their blue finish, rectangular shape, and speckles. They appear blue and speckled, as they contain many crystals in each cell and because of the way the sunlight reflects off these crystals.


Unlike monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels, thin-film solar panels are thin, flexible, and low in profile. This is because the cells within the panels are roughly 350 times thinner than the crystalline wafers used in monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels.

Thin-film solar panels are manufactured from layers of semiconducting materials, such as silicon, cadium telluride, and copper indium gallium selenide. The semi-conductor layer is placed between transparent conducting layers, with a layer of glass on top, that helps to capture sunlight. Although silicon is sometimes used to make thin-film solar panels, it is not the same solid silicon wafers. Rather, it is a non-crystalline type of silicon.

Thin-film solar panels tend to have lower efficiencies, and power capacities compared to crystalline panels. With efficiencies reaching around 11 percent, they require a lot more roof space to generate a large amount of solar energy. They also tend to degrade more quickly compared to crystalline panels, resulting in the shortest of warranties.

Despite this, thin-film panel still have their place in the solar industry. As thin-film panels are more flexible, they can be used for a diverse range of applications. Including being molded into shingles, or solar roof tiles, so property owners who don’t like the appearance of solar panels can still go solar.



What are the different types of solar batteries?

What are the different types of solar batteries?

There are essentially 4 main types of solar storage battery used today: lead acid, nickel, lithium ion and newer flow batteries.

Generating renewable energy through solar panels is both clean and once the systems paid for, essentially free, but if you are generating power during the day and there is no one there to use it, the system isn’t as useful as it could be.

Although through the various FIT (feed in tariffs) and the similar it’s possible to get paid for sending the power into the grid, but ultimately, it’s better if you can use it yourself.

With this in mind adding battery storage to a solar energy setup can be a great idea – generate free energy during the day and then use it in the evening and at night.

  • Lead acid batteries
  • Lithium ion batteries
  • Nickel based batteries
  • Flow batteries

Lead Acid Batteries

Lead acid batteries are probably the oldest type of battery available today as the technology has been around for well over 100 years. Due to this, lead acid batteries are a tried and tested storage solution and been developed alongside solar and wind energy generators pretty much since their inception.

As lead-acid battery technology has been around so long it has been refined to be about the cheapest and most reliable battery storage solution

Lithium ion batteries

If you have a solar battery at your home or business, it is almost certainly a lithium ion battery. Lithium ion is the main chemistry used in batteries offered by the primary players in today’s solar-paired storage market, such as Tesla, LG Chem, Generac, Panasonic, and many more.

These batteries use lithium compounds for an electrode and are called lithium ion batteries because of the way they utilize the flow of ions away from a lithium compound to store energy.  The category of lithium ion batteries actually covers a number of different chemistries, each of which have slightly different characteristics.

Nickel cadmium batteries

Nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd) batteries aren’t as widely used as lead acid or lithium ion batteries.

Ni-Cd batteries first sprung on the scene in the late 1800's, but they got a makeover in the 1980s that greatly increased how much energy they could store. They are a favorite amongst the aircraft industry.

The main benefit of Ni-Cd batteries is that they are durable. They also have the ability to operate at extreme temperatures. Additionally, they don’t require complex battery management systems and are basically maintenance-free.

Flow Batteries

These are the new kids on the block in terms ofa solar storage solution and one that is still really in its development stages.

Their name comes from the way in which they operate – within the battery there are two individual chambers that have feature an electrolyte that’s water-based (usually zinc-bromide) and this flows between the two chambers.

The chemical reaction that takes place during the charging process allow the battery to both charge and also discharge.

One of the best features of the flow battery is its DoD, or depth of discharge which is a staggering 100% meaning that that you can use all of the stored energy in the battery without the feature that it will damage it.

With this in mind and considering the fact that it is water based and doesn’t rely on any toxic heavy-metals it’s pretty certain that this storage solution will become more wide spread as soon as the technology advances.

What are the main components of a solar energy system?

What are the main components of a solar energy system?

A Solar Energy System is a renewable energy generating system that collects photovoltaic energy from the sun and converts it into usable electricity. Often found as roof-top PV arrays, these systems can range in size and are able to power different types of properties - such as residential, commercial, and utility-scale zones.

Following are the core components of all Solar System installations

Solar Panels

Solar Power System Disconnects

Solar Inverter

Solar Racks and Mounts

Charger controllers

Solar Power Meter

Solar Batteries



Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect. During this process, solar panels collect electrons from the sun’s light in the form of direct current (DC) electricity, which then pass through the inverter to convert into usable AC electricity.

Individual panels are made of up several solar cells, which are silicon wafers that are wired together and held in place by the Backsheet, frame, and a pane of glass.


Solar power system disconnects are the electrical switch that controls your system. The system disconnect allows you to cut off the power output from your solar array. You may need to do this from time to time if repairs or solar panel maintenance are required. Or if there is an issue or damage to the solar system.


Inverters are a crucial part of any solar energy system. Their purpose is to convert the DC electricity that the solar panels produce into 240V AC electricity, which is what powers everything in your home. The inverter is a hardworking piece of equipment that works constantly throughout the lifetime of your system – so it tends to be the piece most likely to have faults. This means they usually only have a warranty of around 10 years.


Racks and mounts aren't electrical components, but they're essential to your solar system, nonetheless. The racks and mounting attach your solar panels to your roof or mount them in the ground. The racking quality is critical, and the correct installation is even more vital. If panels are mounted at the wrong angle, the efficiency of your system will suffer.


Charge Controllers work to regulate electrical charge and they limit the rate at which electric current is added to or withdrawn from the Batteries. They work to control voltage and watts from Solar Panels; thus, passing through more stable energy, preventing overcharging, and protecting against overvoltage - which can hinder and reduce Battery performance or lifespan.


Another optional component is a solar power meter, also known as power system metering. A solar power meter allows you to monitor how much solar power your panels supply to your home. A power meter helps you understand and monitor the performance of your system. If needed, you can troubleshoot, adjust, or repair your system to achieve maximum efficiency.


Solar batteries are an optional component in a solar power system. Solar batteries, like other batteries, store energy for later use. A solar battery is used as storage for the power generated during the day, so it can be used throughout the night when there is no sunlight to generate power. If you want or need to store a large amount of energy, you can use more than one battery, known as a battery bank.


Wiring acts to ensure other solar energy components are interconnected and can pass energy from one device onto another. PV Wire is commonly used to move energy from the Solar Modules to the Inverter(s), and then be transformed to be sent for another product within the photovoltaic array supply chain.

Wires will generally be made of aluminum or copper, be solid or standard, are insulated, and meant to either pass through DC current or AC current depending on where they are positioned and connected.



An inverter is mainly used to transform the DC electricity into AC, which is the main type of power that is used by most of the residential appliances and electrical devices.

An inverter is considered as one of the most vital elements of the entire solar system since it determines how much energy is about to be sent to the houses or the commercial industries, and how they help the users measure the self-consumption of the overall electric power.

There are many types of solar inverter available in the market depending on what kind of solar panels you are using in your properties. Furthermore, an inverter is essential because this is more likely to malfunction due to its continuous use of making solar energy into its convenient form.

String inverters

Solar panels are installed in rows, each on a “string.” For example, if you have 25 panels you may have 5 rows of 5 panels. Multiple strings are connected to one string inverter. Each string carries the DC power the solar panels produce to the string inverter where it’s converted into usable AC power consumed as electricity. Depending on the size of the installation, you may have several string inverters each receiving DC power from a few strings.

String inverters have been around for a long time and are good for installations without shading issues and in which panels are positioned on a single plane so do not face different directions.

If an installation uses string inverters and even one panel is shaded for a portion of the day reducing its performance, the output of every panel on the string is reduced to the struggling panels’ level.

Though string inverters aren’t able to deal with shading issues, the technology is trusted and proven, and they are less expensive than systems with microinverters. String inverters are commonly used in residential and commercial applications.


Micro-inverters have a small unit to convert power underneath or built into each individual solar panel. Think of it as having mini currency exchange stations on every nearby street corner.

This gives each panel the ability to function at peak performance, independent from its neighbors. Even if the panel next to it has a tree branch shading it for most of the day, all the other panels can convert at full capacity.

They also enable you to monitor the performance of each individual panel. This is helpful for spotting any issues with a single panel so you can have it repaired before it slows down the whole system’s productivity.

Any drop in efficiency only affects one panel. These can be more expensive than string inverters, but it could pay off by getting more power from your system overall.

Hybrid Solar Inverters:

This is a multi-mode inverter which involves a battery installation along with the set-up of the inverters. Not only does the inverter supply the DC power to the battery, but also it provides power to the grid and your home’s appliances in the form AC current.

Having equipped with MPPT, it can track the amount of charge your battery requires, and when it’s the right time to draw the charge from the grid for a low price.

When the battery is fully charged, the excess power can be sent back to the grid using this charge controller. Should any problem arise, this inverter can go to a standby mode instead of the turning off completely.

Central inverters

Central inverters are similar to string inverters, but they are much larger and can support more strings of panels. Instead of strings running directly to the inverter, as with string models, the strings are connected together in a common combiner box that runs the DC power to the central inverter where it is converted to AC power.

Central inverters require fewer component connections but require a pad and combiner box. They are best suited for large installations with consistent production across the array.

Battery-based Inverter/Charger

Most of the off-grid solar systems tend to charge the battery on its own, but during winter or acute shading, it is often difficult for the solar system to fully charge the battery. Hence, the inverter/charger kicks in to meet the energy requirement of the system.

This type of inverter is bi-directional, which means that it can work both as a battery charger and an inverter. In this system, an AC generator is required to trigger the conversion of the AC electricity to DC and vice versa.

This type of inverter can be off-grid, grid-tied, or grid-interactive.

With the help of the inverter/charger, AC power from the generator is converted into DC to feed the battery, whereas the DC is converted into AC to supply the continuous power of the critical loads.